Join our community
Become a CasildART member today and enjoy exclusive benefits.
CasildART is a not-for-profit; we rely on membership fees, sponsors, donations and ongoing member support to allow us to provide a platform for contemporary Black artists to showcase their work. We invite individuals, brands, trusts and foundations to step inside our home of CasildART and engage with us to raise awareness and visibility of Black art andmeet like-minded people, artists, and creatives who have joined our community.
CasildART receives little public funding and we rely on our members’ generosity to support our vibrant exhibitions and events programme, sustain our community of artists and deliver our important community outreach work. If you wish to make a donation on behalf of a business, please contact us and we would be excited to set up a connection.
CasildART receives little public funding and we rely on our members’ generosity to support our vibrant exhibitions and events programme, sustain our community of artists and deliver our important community outreach work. If you wish to make a donation on behalf of a business, please contact us and we would be excited to set up a connection.
32 Connaught Street
Connaught Village
W2 2AF